Thursday, October 2, 2008

I love Oregon Go Ducks!


So, my best friend Amalitta has been telling me i need to write another blog and since I finally have a break I decided to write one now haha. I don't even know (haha...famous line) where to begin. I feel like I have been here forever already yet it's only been a week. I have to say that I love it so far. I've met some really cool friends....and a ton of other people that i don't remember their names (i feel kinda bad haha). My roommate is really cool, she's an art major so her side of our dorm room is super cute and creative. We've had so many people come by our dorm and tell us how cute it is :). I like my class schedule (for the most part at least haha), i'm done with class 9 Am on fridays.....SO NICE!!! however it really sucks having to get up early for 8 AM classes 4 days a week when Chelsea gets to sleep in till ten every morning....whatever :). Lets see what else.....well there's been a lot going on but i'm not gonna go into great detail here....:) but overall I love the school, the people, and my friends. I miss my family....all of them (i miss seeing you jess every mornin before school!) and of course my bff Vinny haha (love you girlie). Well, i have to go read a play with some friends for my intro to theatre class (which i love so far...who knew? haha), then i'm going to some dance auditions, so wish me luck :). ttyl love u all xoxo


Jessica said...

Hey Nikky,
I am glad to hear you are having fun. I miss you too! I told Ms. Debi about how you made the level 3ballet and she says congrats. She also said that it is all becuase of her. haha (She laughed after she said that) It's going good here for the most part. I hate AP Chem and is failing it literally:( But dance is good. Oh and Bria quit! So that was sad. But I am glad you like it there. Continue to have fun. Love you sis! xoxo

Liz said...

Hey Nikky, so congrats about ballet, though I think it's all because of that one week we had together. Ms. Debi had nothing to do with it. Just kidding! haha Well, it sounds like things are going all areas! Love you! Keep it up!