Friday, September 19, 2008


So... in the last few weeks I've had some wonderful experiences that I will never be able to forget and will cherish, and today after spending the night at my best friend's house it got me thinking about hit me once I got home just how blessed I am to have a friend like her. I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful friends in my life, however this girl makes me forever grateful that God put her in my life. We're an odd match and totally different in so many ways, yet PERFECT for eachother. It's strange to think we havn't even been actual friends for a full year yet, although we've danced together for several years. I truly believe God had it planned all along for us to become friends this past year, and that He had perfect timing :). After sharing many good and bad times together, dance competitions, so many talks, late night phone calls, random adventures on Friday nights haha, tears, and many laughs....we have bonded and become best friends. I just wanted to take the time to say thank you Amalitta. You have helped me in so many ways, and I love you soooo much. My best friend is truly amazing, and an inspiring (yet crazy haha) girl. I know we will ALWAYS be able to count on eachother no matter where we might be. She will forever and ever be my best friend! All the memories we've shared this year and over the summer I will never forget, and forever cherish. I will never forget all our crazy things we've done together like our double biking adventure haha, our odd telepathy :) that nobody but us seems to understand, or all the deep talks we've had about just about everything...and I know we will have plenty more to come. It's going to be so hard to say goodbye in a couple days when I leave for Oregon, but at the same time I know I will not be saying goodbye but simply "see you later." Everytime I ever see a rainbow from now on, I will always think of two that rainbows+lucky charms=true happiness, so that means I have to smile :)... and two: I will remember that I have an amazing best friend, Amalitta.....aka vinny haha. Vinny + Theo=friends forever. peace and love ttyl


Amalitta Gamlieli said...

hey best friend that meant a lot to me. And I know that we will be friends forever, so lets not be sad when you leave because that just gives us time to actually look forward to seeing each other (we've never had to experience that, haha, we see each other like every day.) even though i'll miss you terribly! :( any way having as my best friend has been amazing and i love you with all my heart xoxo sisters for life. ill prolly talk to you in like five minutes :)
love you

Jessica said...

Hey Nikky so I wanted to send you a comment. I got a blog. You should check it out. Amalitta made it for me. Don't tell mom though she will probably have this huge fit again like she did when we told we have facebooks. lol But ya I hope you are having fun at school! Congrats again for making the ballet! and the modern! I love you sis and miss you a lot! Go to amalitta blog to see mine i am in her friends. But ya I love you hope your having fun!