Friday, September 19, 2008

Hi everyone...

So this is my first post :) And I have no idea what to talk about so I'll just tell you about my summer... a little bit. This summer has been  AMAZING :) It has been a summer I'll will never forget... that is for sure. I got to go on a 3 week roadtrip to florida for a National dance competition (talk about a long freaking drive haha). Nationals was a lot of fun, and one of my favorite parts was simply hanging out with my amazing, crazy, obnoxious, but oh so loving best friend  Amalitta :).  After, I got home from Florida I had fun just simply relaxing and enjoying the sun. I got to babysit my adorable baby cousin a lot through out the summer, he's so cute.  After my best friend got home from her trip to Colorado we had a LOT to talk about haha. I picked her up at the airport and then we met up with her boyfriend Tony and headed to Eatonville Falls (not a safe place for me haha)...I def. bit it more than 3 times and left with several bruises....ouch. But it was a fun trip that I'll always remember not to mention beautiful...I owe my bestie a new camera now because of it...that's another story :). Since she's been home, we've shared some pretty incredible talks and experiences, not to mention her friend Liz got in on a few :).  I'll never forget all the intense memories that I will cherish forever. I leave in 5 days for college...ahhhhh GO DUCKS...Quack haha. I'm excited for school, but not gonna lie its going to be super difficult to say goodbye (I mean see u later) to my best friend and my wonderful family who I love so much. ttyl peace and love :)

1 comment:

Liz said...

Ok, Nikky, so I hope you will refer to me from now on as your friend too. Not just Amalitta's. You have a friend in me. I am happy you have had such an important and fun summer. Good luck at school!