Saturday, October 25, 2008

Girls Night Out


Ok, so last night my friends decided that we all needed to go out and do something (although they were talking more about how I need to get out...haha), so we decided to get all dressed up and go see a movie and go out to dinner. It ended up being a lot of fun. Before leaving the dorms though we had an interesting experience that taught all of us a lesson...haha. But i won't talk about that...Anyway, we decided to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2, and it was really good. We all thought it was cute because there was four of us that went to go see it (and there is four girls in the movie...awe haha). I have to admit it was kinda a hard movie to watch because it made me miss my best friend even more! (and my own sisters!). It didn't help that my bestie kept calling me several times in the movie....which just kept reminding me of her :(....but "it's all good" (that's my new line haha) because i will get to see you Amalitta soon when i come home for Thanksgiving...ok its still a month but i'm counting the days. I miss my family too :). Anyway, after the movie we decided to go to dinner at Roadhouse Grill...which i AMAZING! We are totally going there again soon because the food is so yummy :)... I LOVE food haha (i'm theo remember haha). After dinner we all went to Sarah's apartment and hung out till 1:30 and then my roomie and I decided to go back to my dorm and make hot coco. I would say it was a pretty fun night. Well, I have to leave for class in 10 min so i gotta get going ugh....Love and Miss all of you guys soooooo much. I hope you have an amazing day!!!! i'm def. in a happy and excited mood again...haha oh dear :). xoxo
ps-I'm a lil challenged when it comes to putting pictures on here so I couldn't figure out how to put captions on the pictures above and I want you to know who they are so...The top pictures is me and my fabulous roommate Chelsea. Next is crazy Erica and I (she's amazing too and has helped me cheer up at times...). And then there is Sarah, my ballarina friend :)...she's hoping to make the Eugene Ballet Company...she's SO good at ballet and adorable. i really am challenged...i said that all goes sarah, then erica, then chelsea is the bottom pic...haha sorry. Love ya


Jessica said...

Hey Nikky,
I am glad you are in a better mood. I miss you tons and can't wait for Thanksgiving, so i can see you and we can get lots of food. I love you so much sis. So until next time!
xoxo Peace and Love xoxo
Ur lil' sis

Liz said...

Hey Nikky, I love to see you smiling in all those pictures. You are a beautiful girl. I also love seeing Jessi's comments to your blog. You two have such a sweet relationship, and it shows. It warms my heart.

Amalitta Gamlieli said...

awe... i love you so much best friend, and sry again for calling u during the movie, ha. anyway i miss you too and am so excited to see you, love you bestie, night, xoxo.