Friday, December 5, 2008

My Wish List

So since Christmas is coming I felt like writing a wish list:
1. a car (not going to happen but I would love one!)
2. shoes and purses (duh....i'm addicted :) ahh)
3. a new phone....iphone....(not happening but its my wish list!)
4. a comfy chair for my desk, a hot pink one would do just fine :)
5. a basket for my bike (they look so cute!)
ok enough with material things.....
6. a fantastic Christmas with my family
7. lots of hugs and love
8. a white Christmas
9. to make everyone happy :)
10. go on a random adventure with my best friend during break
11. Spend a lot of time having fun with my family
12. Watch Alvin and the Chipmunks......haha only if vinny and simon watch it with me :)
#1 wish......well....:) comment

Happy Holidays :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

1 comment:

Amalitta Gamlieli said...

haha and thats why ur my best friend love you xoxo